§ We came to this world to LIVE OUT LOUD!
From Crippling Anxiety to Inner Peace
Have you ever felt completely anxious and angry because of a relationship problem (or anything else)?
Want to learn how to come back to center and feel peace and love in your heart?

Made a list of the top 3 negative beliefs I had about myself at that moment (1 min)– “There is something wrong with me to be feeling this way.”, “I am not lovable.”, “I will never make the full impact that I want to make in the world.”

Used the Havening Technique on these beliefs (5 min)– This technique is super powerful to reduce anxiety/negative feelings and increase your sense of wellbeing. I really encourage you to watch my modified version of havening and then you can do it anytime you need to in less that 5 min.

Wrote down the positive beliefs to replace the negative ones I had before (1 min)– “It’s perfectly normal to feel sad, angry, etc.”, “I am absolutely lovable.”, “I can achieve anything that I put my heart and mind to. I have achieved everything I have ever wanted and this will be no different.” The key here is that the positive beliefs need to be ones that you actually believe.

Did a relaxation exercise and programmed my mind by repeating the positive beliefs (3 min)– There are many ways to do this. The key is to get yourself into a relaxed state by relaxing your body and then state your positive beliefs a few times with the intention of locking them into your subconscious.

Locked in the good vibes by doing an Energy Clearing Visualization (5 min)– check out my short video on how to do this here. I do this visualization every morning and then, as needed, throughout the day to feel great, positive and connected to Universal abundance and love.

So, what about you? What can you take from my sharing to apply to your own life? Your relationships?
I would love to hear from you. Feel free to leave a comment and get in touch at natalie@nataliematushenko.com.

Happy Tuesday!
Your initiative is highly appreciated and I do find majority of things really valuable for my personal situation. However, techniques 4 & 7 are too abstract for an ordinary woman like me to proceed… You have to be a healer if you want to succeed in making these particular techniques work for you. But if you are just who you are, it is impossible.
Sincerely thankful.
Hi Liudmila. Thanks fo taking the time to leave a comment. It’s always good to hear that people benefit from my work. As for suggestions 4 and 7, I really suggest that you follow my videos and give them a try. I’m not a healer and I’ve found these techniques extremely valuable and have taught them to thousands of women over the years, with great results. You might be surprised to find that they work for you too.