What To Do When You Fail
§ We came to this world to LIVE OUT LOUD! What To Do When You Fail I used to be terrified of failure. And that was a huge issue for my life and my business. It kept me from going for the life of my dreams. And then I learned something that transformed how I looked at...
I’m Facing My Biggest Fear!
§ We came to this world to LIVE OUT LOUD! I’m Facing My Biggest Fear! I’m starting something really new and really big! I’m mildly terrified and really excited! I made a video to share the news with you… Happy Tuesday! xoxo, Natalie...
How to Start Something New (Even If You’re Terrified)
§ We came to this world to LIVE OUT LOUD! How to Start Something New (Even If You’re Terrified) Are you afraid to start something new? A new career? Business? Lifestyle? Relationship? Do you feel like an imposter? I can relate. When I was starting my coaching...
I’m a Quitter and So Proud of It!
§ We came to this world to LIVE OUT LOUD! I’m a Quitter and So Proud of It! I’m a quitter, and I’m proud of it. That took a lot for me to say because I was raised to never quit. To never give up. If I set a goal, I go for it. I always thought this...
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