§ We came to this world to LIVE OUT LOUD.
How to Uplevel Your Entire Life in Just 2 Weeks
I have upleveled nearly every important area of my life in just 2 weeks
As the Kids Grow Up
This summer of family travel has been really different.
Honoring My Wild Nature
Visiting friends in Boston last week before heading to Europe for our grand summer of vagabonding, I heard a lot of awe (“Wow! Your summer sounds amazing!”) and exhaustion, (“Wow! Your Summer sounds exhausting”).
I Now Have a Completely Different Outlook on Life
As I sit here writing in a quiet library in Lincoln, Massachusetts, I am amazed by the growth and changes that have happened in my life over the past 2 years.
The One Thing I Will Be Practicing All Summer
I am so excited for this summer! As I pack our luggage and wrap up daily life, I am giddy with anticipation of adventure.
How I Managed to Have a Great Time with a Broken Toe
Are you curious how I managed my trip to Mexico City with a broken toe?
When Life Hands You Lemons, Make Lemonade
I can’t believe it! I think I broke my toe! And I’m leaving on a trip to Mexico City in less than an hour
Accepting Major Change (and Heartbreak)
I lay there at night and I feel a vice gripping my chest, a pressure that lets me know that I’m feeling deep, deep grief
The beauty of being in your 40’s and beyond
I now have two teenage daughters and I find that I get so triggered and quite frankly, pissed, as they go through the trials and tribulations of being adolescent girls in our world