§ We came to this world to LIVE OUT LOUD.
Accepting Everything Just As It Is
This summer I went on weeklong retreat with two of my daughters to Plum Village, a Zen Buddhist Monastery in the Bordeaux region of France. I was expecting serious rest and rejuvenation but I got something else entirely.
How to Uplevel Your Entire Life in Just 2 Weeks
I have upleveled nearly every important area of my life in just 2 weeks
As the Kids Grow Up
This summer of family travel has been really different.
When the rose colored glasses come off
Summer always makes me think about relationships. Probably because I tend to spend so much uninterrupted time with my husband and kids in this season
Why I’m Excited About Getting Older!
I am 48 years old and I’m excited about getting older.
I have spent the past couple of months interviewing amazing women for my Extraordinary Life After 40 Summit.
The Secret to Lasting Love
I recently heard the wisest words on relationships that I have heard in a long time – “Love your partner (substitute children, parents, friends) as they want to be loved, not as you want to be loved.
The One Thing I Will Be Practicing All Summer
I am so excited for this summer! As I pack our luggage and wrap up daily life, I am giddy with anticipation of adventure.
How One Inspired Action Is Changing My Life
For years, I had the dream of creating an amazing community of women but I was scared s**tless!
How I Managed to Have a Great Time with a Broken Toe
Are you curious how I managed my trip to Mexico City with a broken toe?