§ We came to this world to LIVE OUT LOUD!

The Daily Practice That’s Changing My Life (And Can Change Your Life Too!)

Mar 4, 2025

Imagine tapping into Universal Love and feeling so whole, so complete that you need nothing else.

Imagine feeling so full of love that all you want to do is give from the overflow.

Imagine feeling so full of joy and gratitude that you feel like skipping down the street and smiling at everyone you run across.

I have come upon a practice that allows me to do all that.
I live in Bogota, Colombia, a city of eight million where people never smile or say hello to strangers on the street and yet, everyone I pass greets me with a smile.
And I find myself full of love, joy, and abundance… and this feeling lasts for hours… even when my teenagers act like… teenagers.

I made this video for you so you too can access this kind of love and joy…

I love connecting with you! Leave a comment below or send me an email at natalie@nataliematushenko.com.

Happy Tuesday!




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