§ We came to this world to LIVE OUT LOUD!
Quick Yet Powerful Exercise To Increase Abundance
My website files.
My book! I have been working on my book for the past seven months and I hadn’t backed up the recent changes.
My stomach clenched and I felt like I was going to throw up.
Then I took a deep breath and looked around. I was in a gorgeous house in the Colombian rainforest. Emerald green mountains as far as the eye could see. Birds chirping. It was idyllic!
Certainly, a Universe that created all this abundance could help me solve my laptop crisis.
I exhaled and got online to make an appointment with the tech experts at the Apple Store.
I’ve spent the past week doing my Manifest More Abundance 5 Day Challenge with over 1,000 women from all over the world. We’ve uncovered our money personalities, discovered ways to utilize our strengths with money, transformed our biggest money blocks and took some major action to create more abundance in our lives. It’s been an amazing experience!
All this focus on abundance has had me reflecting on all the ways that abundance shows up in our lives. Often, we don’t even notice it.

As I think about yesterday, I see the material abundance that I’ve created and I’m so grateful. I remember a time in my life when I slept on a mattress that my parents found in the garbage and we worried about every penny we spent.
I now have the financial means to rent a gorgeous house in the mountains, a car to drive to get me there, a laptop, food, and an apartment back in the city to come home to. I am humbled and grateful!
Yet when I reflect on it, I notice an abundance present in my life that’s way more meaningful:

My family – When my laptop died, my husband suggested that we leave our idyllic paradise early so as to make it to the Apple Store for an appointment. The kids didn’t complain about losing pool time, they just packed their bags and helped us pack up the car.

My friends – My dear friend Ana Maria drove me to the Apple Store and stayed with me as we anxiously waited for the tech to diagnose my laptop. Could it be fixed? Would I be able to retrieve my files? Would seven months of work be lost forever? She took several hours out of her day to accompany me to the store just so I wouldn’t be alone.

The Universe – The laptop couldn’t be fixed. It’s five years old and fixing it costs nearly as much as buying a new one. However, the tech helped me connect my laptop to an external monitor and backup all of my files. My book is safely stored on my backup hard drive. I was so relieved, I could cry.
I notice that the more I focus on the abundance in my life, the more I’m grateful for all the people, events and synchronicities that appear every day in my life, the more smoothly my life runs. My life becomes a magical adventure!
Here’s the lesson that I learned a long time ago and it has increased my abundance exponentially:
What you focus on grows! So focus on the abundance that’s already present in your life and watch it grow.
Do you have family or friends who support you, nurture you, take care of you or make your life better in any way? That’s abundance.
Do you have your health? Or parts of your health that are helping you live the life you want to live? That’s abundance.
Do you have a home and food to eat? That’s abundance.

Find anything and everything in your life to appreciate and watch it grow.
What can you appreciate in your life today? Right now?
Here’s a quick yet extremely powerful exercise to increase abundance:

Stop right now and list all the things you’re grateful for.

Notice how you feel after you do that.

Repeat this as often as you can every day and watch your abundance grow!
As always, you know I love to hear from you so feel free to leave a comment below or get in touch.
Happy Tuesday!

P.S. Want to learn about your Sacred Money Archetypes and how to use them to create more abundance in your life and live your Sacred Money Destiny?
This is a fantastic way to learn how to manifest more money and abundance from the comfort of your own home in just 4 weeks.
This 4 Module course is for you if you’re ready to:
Uncover the unconscious money blocks and negative beliefs that are keeping you stuck
Create more harmonious relationships
Identify your strengths with money and turn your challenges into opportunities
Come up with concrete action steps to create more abundance in your life
The course started on November 16th but you can still register here