§ Take the leap in faith. You won’t regret it.
Do you want huge results quickly?
Are you ready to jump start your passion project – start your business, non-profit, movement, or creative project?
Do you want to take your existing business or project to the next level of success?
Do you feel stuck & overwhelmed, not knowing what to do next?

Then the Jump In VIP Experience Is For You!
(And yes, that’s me in the photo – overcoming my fear of heights and jumping out of a perfectly good plane at 15,000 feet!)
It’s a 4-hour highly-individualized intensive coaching, strategy and planning deep dive plus 2 follow-up coaching sessions to jumpstart your passion project (business, non-profit, creative project, great new job) or take it to the next level of success. Yep, all of my experience and knowledge custom tailored just for you and your passion project.
§ Clarify where your gifts, passions and talents meet the needs of the world – i.e. what you were put on this Earth to do.
§ Get clear on your ideal lifestyle.
§ Generate ideas to jumpstart your passion project.
§ Receive practical feedback on how to make your passion project even more effective.
§ Create a workable plan to launch your passion project or take it to the next level of success.
§ Take a big project and break it down into actionable steps.
§ Clear out mindset blockages so you can be most effective.
§ Learn super effective tools to transform your mindset easily and effectively on your own.
§ Structure your schedule to have time for all that is important to you.
§ Design a self-care plan to support you.
§ Map it all out on your calendar so you never again have to worry about what to focus on first.
You do some pre-work to get laser clear on what you most need to focus on to get the most out of the VIP Experience.
VIP Experience:
We first jump on Zoom.us or Skype or Facetime and have a cup of coffee or tea to connect and set up the flow for the experience.
Then, depending on your needs, you:
§ Clarify where your gifts, passions and talents meet the needs of the world – i.e. what you were put on this Earth to do.
§ Get clear on your ideal lifestyle.
§ Generate ideas to jumpstart your passion project.
§ Receive practical feedback on how to make your passion project even more effective.
§ Create a workable plan to launch your passion project or take it to the next level of success.
§ Take a big project and break it down into actionable steps.
§ Clear out mindset blockages so you can be most effective.
§ Learn super effective tools to transform your mindset easily and effectively on your own.
§ Structure your schedule to have time for all that is important to you.
§ Design a self-care plan to support you.
§ Map it all out on your calendar so you never again have to worry about what to focus on first.
After the VIP Experience:
After our intensive 4-hour VIP session, we will schedule two follow-up coaching sessions to help you stay on track and implement your plan. The sessions will be 60 to 75 minutes in length, depending on your needs, and must be scheduled within six weeks of the VIP Experience date.
By signing up for the Jump In VIP Experience, you will get a Sacred Money Archetypes Assessment and a 60 minute 1:1 coaching session with me to help you understand how you naturally approach money and how you can use your strengths and minimize your challenges, to make more money and effortlessly attract more of it into your life.
After just one session, I was able to start my reiki business and begin taking care of myself – doing yoga, eating healthier and many other things that I always wanted to do. Natalie is insightful, gentle and caring. She keeps my best interest at the forefront and is willing to be firm when I need encouragement and support.
§ Have project ideas or know what they are passionate about.
§ Are ready to get into action.
§ Want to feel inspired, supported and have fun!
Working with Natalie was the best investment I ever made! …What makes Natalie so effective as guide in this process is that she is the perfect blend of the feminine – highly intuitive, inspiring, can go very deep to help me find answers within and process emotions, centered and grounded, connected to the heart – and the masculine energies – she asks just the right questions, easily helps structure ideas into doable tasks, sets milestones and deadlines, and brings focus when I am not feeling centered. It’s amazing how she can pick up the energy of the moment and pull out the exact tool that I need to guide me to the best possible outcome. She’s awesome!
§ Pre-work to get you focused and get the most out of your time with me.
§ A 4-hour deep-dive coaching and consulting session, tailored to your specific individual needs, to get you HUGE results.
§ Worksheets and tools geared to your individual needs.
§ Mindset support to help you stay motivated and on-track
§ Two 60 to 75-minute follow-up coaching sessions to keep you successful and on-track.
§ BONUS: A Sacred Money Archetypes Assessment and a 60 minute 1:1 coaching session with me to help you understand how you naturally approach money and how you can use your strengths and minimize your challenges, to make more money and effortlessly attract more of it into your life.
Many people spend hundreds of thousands on their education only to wind up in a career that they don’t love. The JUMP IN VIP EXPERIENCE is only a fraction of the cost of a university class and it will get you the results you crave. It’s actually a bargain!
The JUMP IN VIP EXPERIENCE is an investment of your time, energy and money to create a major breakthrough in your passion project and your life. The investment for the entire experience is $995 if paid in full or $395 if paid in 3 installments ($1,185 in total), to be paid before the JUMP IN VIP EXPERIENCE starts.
Natalie’s coaching helped me to clarify and focus on what really matters (to me, not others!), and to set and achieve my goals. Natalie is empathetic, insightful, and one of the best listeners I have ever met. She lives what she teaches! Natalie is an inspiration and I enthusiastically recommend her as a coach and a leader.
If you have a feeling that the JUMP-IN VIP EXPERIENCE may be just what you need to get your passion project off the ground or make it more successful, APPLY NOW to schedule a complimentary session to see if we are a good fit.