§ We came to this world to LIVE OUT LOUD!
How to Turn Your Dream of Travel Into Reality
I finally am. My kids get out of school late and start in early August so it’s actually a short summer for us – only seven weeks.
But I’m just so excited because we are making the most out of the next seven weeks and indulging in our biggest passion – travel.
Travel is in many ways an extravagance, but for me, it’s a lifeline. It’s what makes me feel most alive as I get to know and experience new cultures, foods, sights, sounds, smell.
Travel also accelerates my personal growth and allows me to get out of my everyday life so that I can see it more clearly.
And I indulge my passion a lot, about four months a year./span>
I’m often asked – “How do you do it? How do you afford it? How do you plan the travel? How do you make it happen?
I made this video for you, to answer all these questions and more – just in case you too have a longing to travel more.
I love connecting with you! Leave a comment below or send me an email at natalie@nataliematushenko.com.
Happy Tuesday!

Hi Natalie. I love traveling and I would love to go on holiday someday. Does it work though in my part of the world? I am in Lesotho Southern Africa. Thanks.