§ We came to this world to LIVE OUT LOUD!
How to Start Something New (Especially If You’re Terrified)
Are you afraid to start something new? A new career? Business? Lifestyle? Relationship?
Do you feel like an imposter?
I can relate.
When I was starting my coaching practice 20 years ago, I remember thinking, “What do I know about changing people’s lives?”
And I felt like an imposter when I started this blog and took my business online five years five years ago. (“I know nothing about technology! Yikes!”)
And when I launched my first global summit four years ago. (“How on earth am I going to interview world-renowned speakers and reach people all over the world?”)
I felt the fear and I did it anyway…
I felt the fear and I did it anyway…
And I’ve been able to help over 100,000 people around the world as a result.
Not bad for somebody who worried about being an imposter and questioned herself every step of the way.
I made this video for you so you too can start your dream (project, career, relationship, etc.) even if you’re terrified.

Happy Tuesday!