§ We came to this world to LIVE OUT LOUD!
Do you feel invisible as a woman?
So many women over 50 tell me that they feel invisible. It breaks my heart and I know that it doesn’t need to be that way.
Many women don’t want to admit it but they notice that as they get older, they seem to get less and less attention from men. They tell me, with great sadness, that they start to feel invisible.
I have also noticed that men seem to check me out less as I get older. Personally, I am relieved by it. I got a lot of attention from men as a younger woman and I was never really all that comfortable with it.
As I get older, I find myself growing more and more into my own skin. I like myself. I respect myself. I think I’m pretty awesome. And I know that I have some important things to say.
I feel more visible than ever. For all the right reasons.
I think this has to do with knowing myself, living my passions and having a clear sense of purpose.
I have learned a lot over the years and I can feel my wisdom and the contribution I’m meant to make. I really enjoy being a mentor and a wise woman.
I also realize that there is so much yet to learn. This makes me excited and I truly believe that the best is still ahead of me.
All this makes me think of my recent conversation with Susan Bratton, the Dear Abby of Sex, and Shashi Solluna, a Tantra expert, for my Extraordinary Life After 40 Summit.
Their styles couldn’t be more different.
Susan is a force of nature. A gorgeous blond bombshell who oozes sexuality and doesn’t shy away from discussing it straight-forward and in detail. I found myself blushing at times when we talked, yet I also found myself really excited about what was ahead of me.
According to Susan, women peak sexually in their 50’s and 60’s as they learn to understand their bodies and their needs and become more skilled at love making. I have to confess by the end of our interview, I was ready to call my husband to hurry home from work so we could put some of what I learned into action. I also wasn’t quite as sad about being an empty nester at some point in the future.
Shashi, on the other hand, has a different approach towards sexuality, informed by her many years studying Tantra. She taught me that as we get older, we shift towards a whole body, soulful, energy based sexuality. She suggested that the best way to understand this is to experience it and proceeded to lead me through a 5-minute (or so it seemed to me) visualization which literally brought me to the brink of orgasm… right there in the interview! Yikes!
I told my husband about it and he immediately began to research Tantra retreats for couples.
As I said, there’s a lot to look forward to as we age.
Susan and Shashi are two of the 44 world-renowned experts who I interviewed for my free online Extraordinary Life After 40 Summit.
In this summit, I gathered 44 world class experts in the fields of hormonal balancing, relationships, sex, health, money, parenting, business, beauty, healing and personal transformation and what I discovered is that with the right resources and support, our changing hormones are the gateway to claiming our wisdom and power as women, to feeling gorgeous, sexy, confident, successful and fully alive, to renegotiating our relationships so they fulfill us, to finding our true purpose and legacy and to creating lives that are even better than anything we have imagined.
You can sign up for the free online summit here.
This summit is absolutely free and runs from October 21st to November 3rd. I hope you’ll join us!
And here’s your chance to be a part of the revolution and is help as many women as possible. Please share this with your family, friends, coworkers, any women you know who are over 40 so they too can enhance every area of their lives and create amazing lives for themselves! Together, we can literally change the conversation of what it means to be a sexy, confident, successful and vibrant woman in her 40s, 50s and beyond.
Make sure you also join the Extraordinary Life After 40 private Facebook community to receive support, inspiration and tools to create your extraordinary life! JOIN HERE!
Happy Tuesday!