§ We came to this world to LIVE OUT LOUD.

Are You Living Your Passion and Purpose?

Jul 3, 2018


I write this in route from Paris (where I spent a week with my oldest daughter celebrating her 16thbirthday) to Riga, Latvia (where we will just hang out for a few days to get to know a new part of the world) to Tallinn, Estonia (where we will be attending the amazing Mindvalley U for 2 weeks as a family) to Plum Village for a weeklong family mindfulness retreat in Bordeaux.

Those of you who know me or have been reading my blog for a while know that we travel a lot as a family. And here’s the thing – it may sound wonderfully exciting to you or it may seem hectic and stressful or it may just be “Meh. Not my thing.”

And while it has always been my thing (which is why I set up my life to be this way), I have sometimes swung between all three sentiments myself… even “Meh.”

That’s what I have realized about living from passion and purpose. It all seems terribly exciting when it’s just a dream and perhaps even unattainable but as you make it happen, it becomes a part of your life and loses some of its excitement.

Ideally, it doesn’t lose meaning and fulfillment though. Getting to know other cultures and exposing my kids to the world is the fulfillment of a dream I had as a young backpacker in my 20’s. The tight bond we have formed as a family living our many adventures means the world to me.

Does that mean we couldn’t have formed this tight bond living in the same place and not traveling?

Of course, we could have and would have.

I just happen to be passionate about traveling and getting to know other cultures. Plus, I was born in the Ukraine, raised in the US and have lived in Spain, Italy and now Colombia.

This is the way I wanted to live.

What’s the way you want to live?

If you could just dream it into being, how would you do it?

What would your ideal lifestyle be like?

Exercise: I really recommend that you give yourself the gift of 10 to 15 minutes to sit down, take a few deep cleansing breaths, allow yourself to envision your ideal life dream and write what it would be like.

Here are some prompts:

Where would you be living?

With whom?

In what kind of dwelling?

What would you be doing with your time?

How would you be contributing to the planet?

What would your relationships be like?

Once you allow yourself to dream and envision your passionate life, TAKE AN ACTION STEP TO GET CLOSER TO MAKING IT HAPPEN.

It’s really that simple. People ask me all the time how I created my ideal life and it’s really quite simple:

#1: I figured out what my ideal like looks like

#2: I started taking action to make it happen


I would love to hear from you – what’s the action step that you are taking to get you closer to your life of passion and purpose?

Happy Tuesday!




P.S.If you like the resources that I have been sharing, please head over to my Facebook page and give it a “like”

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