§ We came to this world to LIVE OUT LOUD.

4 Steps to Stay on Top of Work and Self Care While Having Fun This Summer

Jul 16, 2017

Having lived in South America where there are no seasons for the past 6 years, I am so pleasantly surprised every year when we head back to the US for the summer.

It’s not just that New England is at its best, with warm weather and tons of outdoor fun to be had.

What strikes me is everyone’s energy. It seems almost manic as people try to squeeze out every bit of summer in its glory.

Life seems to be nonstop trips, picnics, get-togethers, parties, days at the beach.

I also enjoy every bit of this amazing and somewhat frenetic season. I love catching up with friends and family and doing all the quintessential New England summer stuff – kayaking, swimming, blueberry picking, lobster rolls.

At the same time, I’m constantly challenged with how to keep up with my coaching business and self-care routine when schedules are up in the air and kids are around or have camps that begin and end at different times. When each week and sometimes even each day, looks different from the next.

I just find it so much harder to stay on top of it all without a fixed schedule in place.

Can you relate? Are you finding it hard to keep up with your business or passion project and basic self-care in the summer?

Now you know that I’m a big fan of self-care and it’s also really important for me to keep up with my business so I developed these four strategies to stay on top of it all and still make the most out of summer.

1. Pair it down to the essentials. What’s the minimum self-care you need to feel your best? I wrote about self-care and how essential it is in a crisis (read here) but you can apply the formula to non-crisis times too. JUST DO SOMETHING FOR YOUR BODY, MIND AND SPIRIT EVERY SINGLE DAY! Make that gift of an hour to yourself non-negotiable. Even in summer.

Fit in a swim as your kids play on the beach. Go for a walk. Go meditate. Tell your family that you need the hour to take care of yourself and feel your best. You will be modeling self -respect and self-worth, a priceless gift to them.

The same goes for your business or project. What’s the minimum you can do and still feel like you’re working towards your goals and dreams and not just doing for others?

For me, it’s keeping up with my clients, blogging weekly and doing an in-person workshop to take advantage of being in the Boston area. As long as I do these, I feel great and connected to my work at a deeper level with plenty of time left over for summer fun.

2. Schedule it in. I have an old -school day planner. The kind you write everything in. And I have found that scheduling in my work appointments and self-care time, even in the summer, is the best way to remind myself that these are priorities no matter what.

3. Follow your schedule as best you can while being flexible. Sure, things shift and sometimes you need to adjust, but don’t use that as an excuse to just not exercise or not get your work done. Be flexible about times yet get that hour of self-care and work towards your projects in. You may find yourself going for a walk or a swim in the afternoon as the kids play nearby or grocery shopping or working at night after everyone goes to bed. It’s OK. In the summer, even more than in other seasons, flexibility is the name of the game.

4. Adjust your attitude. Basically, give yourself a break. Allow yourself to enjoy this fun season without guilt. Just get the MINUMUM self-care and work done. Once it’s done, you’re done. Let go of the guilt or those voices that tell you that you should be doing more and ENJOY summer!

Get out there. Do what you love with those you love. Travel. Have fun! Make memories!

It will all be over before you know it. Fall will come with its responsibilities and schedules. And the bright side of having the kids back in school and a semblance of order back in your life so you can focus more on your personal priorities.

In the meantime, summer is here to teach us all to go with the flow and just savor life.

I would love to hear from you – what do you love about summer? What are the challenges you face in this season?

Just leave your comments, thoughts and feelings below.



P.S. If we’re not connected on Facebook, get in touch here.

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