§ We came to this world to LIVE OUT LOUD!
3 Steps to Manifest All That Your Heart Desires
Note: This blog post was originally published on November 27th, 2018. I have decided to republish it given the extreme positive feedback I have received and the many of new members in our community post summit!
That’s when I knew I had gotten pretty darn good at manifesting.
Want to know the secret?
There are many things that go into effective manifesting, but if I have to distill it, it all boils down to a blend of having an attitude of gratitude, using your superpower, being of service and taking inspired action.
Attitude of Gratitude –
There is nothing like this time of year (Thanksgiving in the United States) to make us focus on gratitude, but cultivating an attitude of gratitude year-round helps you manifest big time. The more you focus on what you appreciate and are grateful for, the better you feel, the higher your energetic vibration, the greater your sense of deserving, the quicker you attract what you want to you… got it?

Use Your Superpower –
Figure out what your superpower is and start using it!
I have known for a long time that my superpower is connecting to people but I wasn’t using it when I lived in a small town and spent my days doing the nitty gritty of my business.
It was only once I hired an assistant to do the stuff that is definitely not in my genius zone (IT, images for Facebook, making my blogs look inviting) and started getting out and connecting with people (coffees, lunches, playdates, networking events, talking to anyone and everyone as I walked around my new home of 8 million people, Bogota), that the invitations to lead workshops started coming my way in droves.
Be of Service –
Let’s face it, we often focus on what we want to get in life. Yet focusing on how we can be of service to those around us allows the Universe to send us opportunities to be of service. I knew that I wanted to lead workshops around the world and I asked the Universe to show me how I can best be of service, to guide me to those who could really benefit from what I had to offer.

As soon as I put it out to the Universe, I received an email from somebody in Australia who reads my blog and wanted to collaborate on a workshop with me. Then a Chilean friend I was having coffee with said, “Wow! I meet regularly with a group of women and we would really be interested in one of your workshops.” Shortly thereafter, I had coffee with a Colombian woman who I know from my Mindfulness Meditation Community and she was super excited to learn how to manifest abundance. Turns out she has a large, active community here in Bogota and we co-led a workshop for an amazing group of women and men a week later.

Take Inspired Action –
Everything I just wrote doesn’t amount to much unless we take inspired action and seize the opportunities when they present themselves.
For example, in January 2018 I was planning to be in Melbourne for a family vacation. I had made a friend the summer before who happened to live in Melbourne. I jumped on Skype with her and our Manifesting Abundance in 2019 course was born. We delivered it to a group of people who flew in from all over Australia for it!
For the workshop in Bogota, we had about 12 days to pull the whole thing together, including advertising it. I was on vacation with my family and my parents but I knew that I need to seize the moment when it presents itself. We made the workshop happen and it only wound up taking a few hours out of my vacation time.
So there you have it – my tips for manifesting quickly and effectively:

Have an attitude of gratitude

Use your superpower

Be of service

Take inspired action
What about you? Any tips to share on what has helped you manifest abundance?
You know I love to hear from you so feel free to leave a comment below or get in touch..
Happy Tuesday!

Wonderful! How do I find out my superpower? And do you offer one to one video coaching?
Thank you Natalie
Hi Jill, thanks for reaching out! There are many ways to find your superpower. Start by thinking what you enjoyed doing as a kid? And ask 5 people who know you well (and are supportive) what they see as your super power. I do take on one-on-one clients at certain times of the year. Write me at natalie@nataliematushenko.com and we can chat about it. xoxo