Annette Rugolo


Annette Rugolo is a Global Teacher and Speaker, Author, Environmental Healer, and Soul Guide.

For more than 15 years, Annette has made her Transformation experience global by teaching, consulting, and mentoring over 2,000 people in more than 20 countries.

As a Global transformational speaker, she shares deeper wisdom with her audiences and gives them practical tools to begin their journey of change.

Annette’s passion is to help others navigate this new world by assisting them in aligning with their soul purpose. Through her classes, personal sessions, and environmental healing sessions, she helps raise the vibration of personal energy fields and the energy of homes while also helping others to access higher vibrational fields within themselves and the Universe. Her deep understanding and ability to connect with energy is what guides her clients and students to release emotional, mental, and karmic patterns that hold them back from living a life of purpose.

Her passion for healing environments also involves releasing lost souls, which led her to the writing her first book, Soul Whisperer: Releasing Lost Souls (2019). By understanding energy and sharing powerful tools, she teaches the importance of environments and the necessity for clearing homes and offices.

Annette studied with Marie Diamond, a pre-eminent global transformational teacher known for her role in the movie The Secret for 12 years, serving as Vice President of Marie Diamond Global for 5 years.

Her background also includes training in the field of complimentary health with certifications in massage therapy, cranial sacral therapy, qigong, and yoga. Before stepping into the field of energy therapy, she held positions in the business world for over 20 years.

Annette currently resides in the Minneapolis, Minnesota metro area with her husband, Tony. Together they have 6 children and 9 grandchildren.

Annette’s website: annetterugolo
About Your Host:
Hi, I’m Natalie!
I’m an expert in helping you find your purpose, create abundance and turn your passions into a lifestyle. I’m a certified leadership and co-active coach, best-selling author, transformational teacher, Ivy League University and top business school graduate and adventurer. Over the past nearly twenty years, I have helped thousands of soulful go-getters – entrepreneurs, Fortune 100 executives, not-for-profit leaders and in the top echelons of government – make a huge impact in the world while taking radically good care of themselves and creating lives they love.
I created my extraordinary life and believe that anybody can do it! I left a high-flying career in international development to pursue my own version of success. I’ve lived in five countries, studied extensively with healers and shamans around the world and have traveled to over 60 countries.
I speak English, Spanish and Russian fluently and can get by in French. I currently live in Colombia, South America and spend about 4 months a year in the United States and traveling the world with my husband and three daughters. I’m passionate about learning from different cultures, creating community, being in nature and creative expression. I also volunteer with several organizations that focus on the empowerment of women.
You can learn more about me and my work and get my free 12- day Live with Passion & Program at

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