Alison Weihe
She is a transformational and leadership coach, speaker and writer, who has a passion for helping people uncover their courage and their purpose; to live their best life.
After a decade in change management in different forms, followed by a twenty two year journey of co-founding and building up an awardwinning company, she has engaged in a journey of giving back – a journey following years of study in leadership coaching, personal development, the neuroscience of communication and exposure to world class global speakers.
She has a passion to share her long journey to wholeness so others may be inspired to shine their light. As an accredited image consultant, she has a passion for personal branding and speaking on the Power of Presence.
As a Board member of the PSASA (Professional Speakers Association of South Africa) – Johannesburg Chapter, she has a deep desire to assist young entrepreneurs to develop their voices as thought leaders and game-changers.
Her long journey as a political activist, change management consultant, entrepreneur and now coach and speaker has afforded her a unique window into the South African landscape.
Her exposure and experience at Mind Valley Global Summits with world class speakers and thought leaders across a variety of fields has both deepened and humbled her perspective. Mind Valley recently published an article she wrote on their Learning Website.
Due to her interest in health, nutrition and Epigenetics, following decades of yo-yo dieting and a decade of erratic bulimia she has a fascination for mind/body/soul alignment and integration. She is now an ambassador for fitness and healthy integrated living. She speaks at Womens Leadership Summits South Africa and abroad. Having undergone a dramatic transformation in body, in personality and in perspective, she follows thought leaders throughout the globe that continue to guide her journey.
She recently wrote a chapter in the Ignite series on Women Leaders, published in Canada and she continues to reflect on and write about issues that challenge all to create a world of greater understanding, a kinder and more compassionate place.

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